Alabama Care Planning CouncilAlabama Care Planning Council
Alabama Elder Law, Medicaid, Estate Planning

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Alabama Elder Law, Medicaid, and Estate Planning Services

Anniston AL - Alabama Elder Law Attorney lawyer -- Gary G. Stanko, Calhoun County - Click to request assistance
Auburn AL - Alabama Medicaid spend down and recovery -- Van C. Gholston, Lee County - Click to request assistance
Birmingham AL - Alabama Elder Law estate planning -- William G. Nolan, Attorney at Law, Jefferson County - Click to request assistance
Birmingham AL - Alabama Elder Law estate planning -- Sidney C. Summey, Jefferson County - Click to request assistance
Birmingham AL - Alabama Elder Law Attorney lawyer -- Joel A. Mendler, Jefferson County - Click to request assistance
Birmingham AL - Alabama save assets from Medicare if -- Lynn Campisi, CELA, Jefferson County - Click to request assistance
Birmingham AL - Alabama Medicaid spend down and recovery -- Robert Douglas Cornelius, Jefferson County - Click to request assistance
Birmingham AL - Alabama Elder Law estate planning -- Anne R. Moses, CELA, Jefferson County - Click to request assistance
Fairhope AL - Alabama Elder Law Attorney lawyer -- Mark David Andrade, Baldwin County - Click to request assistance
Fairhope AL - Alabama Medicaid planning advice -- Wendy Atkins Pierce, Baldwin County - Click to request assistance
Florence AL - Alabama save assets from Medicare if -- Larry D. Sneed, ESQ, ESQ, Lauderdale County - Click to request assistance
Gardendale AL - Alabama Medicaid spend down and recovery -- Carrie A. Townes, Jefferson County - Click to request assistance
Huntsville AL - Alabama Elder Law estate planning -- Connie L. Glass, CELA, Madison County - Click to request assistance
Huntsville AL - Alabama trusts wills, living wills, power of attorney, probate -- L. Thomas Ryan Jr., Madison County - Click to request assistance
Huntsville AL - Alabama Elder Law Attorney lawyer -- Michael F. Robertson, Madison County - Click to request assistance
Mobile AL - Alabama Medicaid planning advice -- Irving Silver, Mobile County - Click to request assistance
Opelika AL - Alabama Elder Law estate planning -- Janice B. Neal, Lee County - Click to request assistance
Scottsboro AL - Alabama trusts wills, living wills, power of attorney, probate -- Melanie B. Bradford, Jackson County - Click to request assistance

Contact an Elder Law Attorney

For the convenience of the public, the AlCPC has listed the providers above to show what services may be available in Alabama. We cannot verify the business practice nor the background of these providers. As a result, we do not provide their contact information. If you wish to contact a member of our council regarding any of the services listed above, please fill out the form below and a council member will contact you. Please be aware that your information may be shared with other members of the council who might be able to help you as well. Read Our Disclaimer.

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Book: How to Deal with 21 Critical Issues Facing Aging Seniors

    How to Deal with 21 Critical Issues Facing Aging SeniorsAging seniors and their families are often confounded by the complexity of issues facing the elderly. This book takes a comprehensive approach to address these challenges and provide solutions.

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About Elder Law and Medicaid Consultations

    An attorney specializing in elder law helpsaging seniors and their families or caregivers in Alabama with elder-specific legal issues, estate planning and long term care planning.

    Many of these attorneys spent a great deal of their time helping individuals or couples qualify for Medicaid and preserve assets from Medicaid spend down and recovery. Property ownership, special transfer allowances, application for hardship review, Miller trusts and family-beneficial use of spend down monies are areas where their services can protect family members and healthy spouses from undue hardship. Although they typically can't charge to fill out a Medicaid application, elder lawyers, through advice and guidance, can often accelerate the approval process saving the family a great deal of money. This often more than compensates for their fee.

    On the other hand many elder attorneys do not just limit their practice to Medicaid planning but help elders and their families with all types of issues.

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