1. The first type is benefits provided to veterans in the VA healthcare system.
These are individuals who have substantial service-connected disabilities, who are receiving VA Pension or who are considered low income. Services include possible free medical care, possible free prescription drugs, orthotics and prosthetics, home renovation grants for disabilities, home care, assisted living, domiciliary care, nursing home care, and a possible host of other long term care benefits. These services are not available to all veterans in the health care system. Availability depends on the local medical center's funds, the nature of the disability or whether the veteran is considered very low income.
2. The second type of benefit is state veterans homes. (See our national list of VA State Veterans Homes)
The majority of these homes offer nursing care but some may offer assisted living or domiciliary care. The Department of Veterans Affairs in conjunction with the states, helps build and support state veterans homes. Money is provided to help with construction and a federal subsidy is provided for each veteran using state veterans nursing home services. These homes are generally available for most veterans and sometimes their spouses and in some cases so-called "Goldstar parents." Veterans homes are run by the states, sometimes with the help of contract management. There may be waiting lists in some states.
3. The third type of benefit is disability income for veterans who served on active duty.
The first of these disability incomes is called Compensation and is designed to award the veteran a certain amount of money to compensate for potential loss of income in the private sector due to a disability or injury or illness incurred in the service. In order to receive Compensation, a veteran has to have evidence of a service-connected disability or disease. Most veterans who are receiving this benefit were awarded an amount based on a percentage of disability when they left the service.
However, some veterans may have record of being exposed to extreme cold, having an in-service, non-disabling injury, having tropical diseases or tuberculosis or other incidents or exposures that at the time may not have caused any disability but years later have resulted in medical problems. These people can apply to see if they could receive a benefit. In addition, some veterans may be receiving Compensation but their condition has worsened, and they can reapply for a larger amount based on a higher disability rating. There is generally no income or asset test for most forms of Compensation, and the benefit is nontaxable.
The second disability income benefit is called Pension. Pension is also known as the "Veterans Aid and Attendance Benefit." It is available to all active-duty veterans who served at least 90 days during a period of war. Applicants younger than age 65 must be totally disabled or a patient in a nursing home in order to be eligible. Veterans younger than 65 receiving Social Security have a lesser burden of proof. Proof of disability is not required for applicants age 65 or over. Age may be evidence by itself of disability.
The purpose of this benefit is to provide supplemental income to disabled or older veterans who have a low income or significant ongoing personal care or medical costs. If the veteran's income exceeds the Pension amount, then there is no award. However, income can be adjusted for unreimbursed medical expenses (UME), and this allows veterans with household incomes larger than the Pension amount to qualify for a monthly benefit. For example, a veteran household earning $4,000 a month (gross) could still qualify for Pension under the right circumstances.
There is also a net worth test to qualify for Pension. The primary residence (unless it is sold), most personal property and automobiles are exempt from this asset test.
Compensation and Pension benefits cannot both be granted to a veteran simultaneously. VA will paying the higher benefit if the veteran qualifies for both. Generally, for applications (VA Forms, click here) associated with the cost of home care, assisted living or nursing home care, the Pension benefit is more money unless the veteran is rated 100% service connected for compensation.
There are also several death benefit variations of the two disability incomes for single surviving spouses or dependent minor children or adult dependent children, Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) and Death Pension.
Asset tests and income tests also apply to a death Pension, and, basically, all the rules are the same for obtaining the benefit as with the living veteran. Benefit levels are lower for a surviving spouse when compared to a single veteran. For example, in 2015 a single veteran with no dependent children is entitled to an MAPR (Maximum Allowable Pension Rate) of $1,072/month without aid and attendance and $1,788/month with aid and attendance. In comparison, a surviving spouse is entitled to an MAPR of $719/month without aid and attendance and $1,149/month with aid and attendance.
A local Regional Medical Center can pay a veteran a grant to allow for "home improvement and structural alterations" -- HISA grants. These are necessary alterations in order to accommodate disability in the home. As a general rule these grants are provided to veterans who are receiving VA health care and who are service-connected disabled. Certain service-connected disabled veterans can receive a lifetime benefit of $6,800 for home improvement projects to aid with disability.
A clause in the eligibility statutes opens the door for veterans who are on Medicaid or receiving pension with aid and attendance or housebound ratings to also receive these grants. Also very low income -- means tested veterans -- may also receive the grant. For this class of veterans the grant is a lifetime payment of $2,000.
Although they are reluctant to provide these grants to veterans who are not in the VA health care system, the medical center HISA Committee will do so if adequate documentation is provided to justify the grant.
Our council is dedicated to helping families in Alabama deal with the issues and challenges aging seniors face. We do this by offering a trusted listing source of eldercare and senior services in your area.
Some of these senior services include Care Management, Elder Law, Estate Planning, Funeral Planning, Home Care, Medicaid Planning, Placement, Reverse Mortgage, and help with Veterans Benefits.
The Alabama Care Planning Council offers books written by the National Care Planning Council, a leader in providing materials on timely subjects relating to aging seniors.
Below are five of their popular books:
"How to Apply for Department of Veterans Affairs Benefits for Senior Veterans and Their Survivors" (2024)
"How to Deal with 21 Critical Issues Facing Aging Seniors"
"The 4 Steps of Long Term Care Planning"
"Protect Assets from Nursing Home Costs: Medicaid Secrets" (2024)
The elderly and their caregivers search online everyday for senior services and frequently find our web site, carealabama.net. We, along with the National Care Planning Council, have become an important resource for families looking for help.
We invite you to become a member of the AlCPC starting at only $15.00 a month. Your membership will include an advertising listing(s) on two sites, your own personal sales (web) page, and access to the member section.
State Care Planning Councils are alliances of community care providers and advisers in a given geographic area of a state. State Councils provide a platform for these local groups of independent providers and advisors to offer the following services:
(1) Educate the public on how to plan for retirement and long term care
(2) Provide a local source of 15 to 20 different eldercare services through one single state contact
(3) Promote a trusted organization offering reliable services